• 关于"对才艺秀的看法"用英语

              In my opinion of the talent show, Youth would always immersed in the illusion.
              First they would daydream that they themselves would just like stars and at one day suddenly become a famous person, thus no mood to learn any thing but the 'talent' what they think might be.

              2. Second, with too much of worship and incredible enthusiasm as starchasers, their daily life would be totally influenced.

              And sometimes talent show is just take as a look-a-like contest. For example girls act just like boys and boys act like girls, induced in the such a stuation: men don't like men and women din't like women.

              Furthermare, talent show limits the space of humans' talent. When a young girl think sie sings good, she would not develop other speciality or advantage. Maybe she is too young to know what's the real talent of her. She might have a great furture for dancing instead singing, who actually know it?


              标签: 醒目胎教的正确方法分部

                        • 上一篇:丰富知识,开拓视野,培养兴趣,用 英文怎么说