• 什么锟斤拷PCC锟街伙拷锟斤拷

              PPC是pocket pc的简称。
              采用windows pocket pc操作系统。锟斤拷锟斤拷锟街癸拷锟斤拷是幼小阶段的英语和语文学习教学课件:

              ·小兔子乖乖 ·数鸭子 1 ·拔萝卜 1 ·白雪公主 ·小手拍拍 ·采蘑菇的小姑娘 1 ·六只小猪

              ·白龙马 ·母鸭带小鸭 ·A B C ·宝宝洗澡 ·狼和三只小猪 ·小兔子乖乖 ·爸爸妈妈听我说
              ·三只小熊 ·爱美的小公鸡 1 ·爱唱歌的小鸟 ·鲁冰花 ·丑小鸭 1 ·嘻唰唰


              ·The Monkey and the Dolphin

              ·The Fisherman and the Little Barracuda

              ·One-Eyed Deer

              ·The Man and the Spirit of the Forest

              ·The Fishermen Catching Stones

              ·The Fisherman Blowing the Flute

              ·One Man Find out the Gold Lion

              ·The Deer in the Bullpen

              ·The Lion and the Deer beside the Spring

              ·A Cobbler to be a Doctor

              ·The Amorous Lion and the Farmer

              ·The Giant and the Wagon Driver

              ·The Wolf and the Sheep

              ·The Tuna and the Dolphin

              ·Two Fighting Cocks

              ·The Rabbit and the Courser

              ·The Blind Man and the Little Animal

              ·The Old Woman and the Sheep

              ·The Hare and the Frog

              ·The Woman and Scottish Husband

              ·The Old Woman and the Wine Bottle

              ·The Wolf and the Old Woman

              ·The Farmer and the Stork

              ·The Lion,the Fox and the Deer

              ·The Wolf and the Little Sheep

              ·The Donkey and Its Shadow

              ·The Hawk and the Fox

              ·The Fox Broken off the Tail

              ·Cow and Butcher

              ·The Farmer and His Dissentious Sons


              标签: 各式各样社会性智力开发卡

                        • 上一篇:妙语连珠和高谈阔论还有眉飞色舞的意思