• 读绘本(恐龙怎么说晚安)读后感?


              宝贝到了睡觉时间是不是各种情况都会发生?当爸爸妈妈对宝贝说要关灯睡觉的时候,宝贝会哭闹?扔玩具?等等!很头大?没关系,让小恐龙告诉宝贝睡觉时间到了他该怎么做?书中每一页出现的恐龙都是不同品种的恐龙,在书本的首页还详细介绍了恐龙的种类,再加上将生活化的情节描述的幽默风趣,让男孩女孩都非常喜欢哦~整本书在排版上,前半部分用疑问句的方式讲错误的行为,后半部分用陈述句形式讲正确的行为,故事内容非常贴近孩子平时睡前说晚安的情况,再加上CD,孩子会非常喜欢,有利于激发孩子对学英语的兴趣,是非常适合亲子共读的书籍哦~ Ineach playful spread of this read-aloud bedtime book, parents areready to put their kids to bed but these youngsters just happento be dinosaurs!And though they may stomp and slam theirtails a bit, in the end they act a lot like people:they give a big kiss, turn out the light, and whisper "goodnight."   In a few simple lines of verse on each spread, fathers andmothers are ready to put their youngsters to bed. But in this book,the youngsters are a wide variety of dinosaurs. And how dodinosaurs say good night?   Filled with wonderful detail and humor, children and theirparents will love the expressions and antics of the elevendifferent dinosaur children depicted here, and each species isspelled out somewhere in the young dinosaur's bedroom. In the end,young dinosaurs behave a lot like people do: They give a big kiss,turn out the light, tuck in their tails, and whisper "goodnight."


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