• 用英语写一篇童话故事,80个词带题目

              Written by myself instead of copying!!!

              The little Red Hat

              Once upon a time there's a little beautiful girl, she wore a little red hat on her head. On weekends she told her mother that she wanted to pay a visit to her grand-mother with some cakes. After her mother agreed, she took a basket full of cakes and soon she went on the way to her grand-mother's home. On half of the way, She saw so many beautiful flowers and took many of them as gifts for her. Unfortunately she was peered at by a wolf, the wolf quickly ran to her grand-mother's house and ate her, pretending to be sleeping on the bed. When the girl came in and talked with the "grand-mother" for a while, she noticed and shouted, there came quite a lot of men, they beat the wolf heavily and saved the grand-mother, because she han't been digested.


              标签: 欺负接班卡蒙

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