• 关于植物的英语故事 带翻译

              The quantity of woodland in our planlet is getting lower.we log the trees to make them into papers,chopsticks,etc.Hence,why don't we try to plant more trees?First try to find a moist place and dig a hole that can bury the tree's steem,watering the tree in a cycle method.at the the same time nourish it rationally.Most importantly don't forget to kill the adverse worms from the tree.Ultimately it will blossom successfully!

              Oh,i'm sorry…在这个星球之上林地数量愈发下降,我们砍伐树木制造纸,筷子等等。然而,为什么我们不多种植些树木呢?首先寻找一个较为湿润的地方,挖掘出一个能掩埋树木根部的洞穴。有规律的浇水,同时理性施肥,最为重要的是别忘了杀去害虫。最终它一定可以枝繁叶茂!


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