• 六一儿童节英文介绍(要带翻译)

              children's festivals. November 1949, the Women's International Democratic Federation council meeting held in Moscow. China and other countries and representatives of countries and anger exposed the imperialist reactionaries kill and poison children. In order to protect the world's children to survival, health and education, to improve the lives of children. The meeting decided in the annual June 1 International Children's Da儿童节,也叫六一国际儿童节,每年的6月1日举行,是全世界少年儿童的节日。 1949年11月,国际民主妇女联合会在莫斯科举行理事会议,中国和各国代表愤怒地揭露了帝国主义分子和各国反动派残杀、毒害儿童的罪行。为了保障世界各国儿童的生存权、保健权和受教育权,为了改善儿童的生活,会议决定以每年的6月1日为国际儿童节。

              When the sixInternational Children's Day, when children are happily celebrating their own festival. That smiling faces, waves of voice, are full of happiness and joy. But you know that the June s Day? Children know that the determining whether the time is because there are millions of children were killed in the war of young lives. It was during World War II, June 1942, the German fascists killed Jiekelidi policy Estate male citizens over the age of 16, more than 140 people of all babies, and women and 90 children taken to concentration camps. Village houses, buildings were destroyed, a village it has been Germany and France to destroy. To mourn the Lidice village and the world all the victims of fascist aggression in children, anti-imperialist warmongers murder and poisoning of children, protect children's rights, in November 1949 Women's International Democratic Federation Executive Committee held in Moscow, the official Decision on June 1 each year for the world of children's festival, the International Children's Day.After the founding of new China, the Central People's Government Administration Council on December 23, 1949 decision, the provisions of 1 June for the new Children's Day in China, also announced the abolition of the old from the Chinese Nationalist government in 1931 introduced April 4 for the Children's Day Requirements. 每当“六一”国际儿童节的时候,孩子们都兴高采烈地欢度着自己的节日。那一张张笑脸,一阵阵歌声,都充满了幸福和快乐。但是你是否知道这“六一”节的来历?是否知道当年确定儿童节的时候,是因为世界上有无数的少年儿童在战争中被夺去了幼小的生命。 那是在第二次世界大战期间,1942年6月,德国法西斯枪杀了捷克利迪策村16岁以上的男性公民140余人和全部婴儿,并把妇女和90名儿童押往集中营。村里的房舍、建筑物均被烧毁,好端端的一个村庄就这样被德国法西斯给毁了。 为了悼念利迪策村和全世界所有在法西斯侵略战争中死难的儿童,反对帝国主义战争贩子虐杀和毒害儿童,保障儿童权利,1949年11月国际民主妇女联合会在莫斯科召开执委会,正式决定每年6月1日为全世界少年儿童的节日,即国际儿童节。新中国成立后,中央人民政府政务院于1949年12月23日作出决定,规定6月1日为新中国的儿童节,同时宣布废除旧中国国民党政府1931起实行的4月4日为儿童节的规定。


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