《青蛙王子》说的是一位国王美丽的小女儿一天玩最喜爱的金球时,不小心把球掉入了井中!在井中看到青蛙。要青蛙帮助她捡起球!但要青蛙和公主做好朋友,青蛙捡起球后,小公主没有 搭理青蛙,回到了王国。
作者:雅各布·格林 威廉·格林
Princess ball fell into the water inside, and she sadly there crying. Frog Prince heard, came to her as long as the princess told her to sleep after eating and drinking together, he would help her pick up the golden goal. Princess started to prepare for the frog prince is gold and silver jewelry. Hear the request of the frog prince, she happily agreed. Because she wanted to, how the frog could live together with humans. When the frog to help her pick the ball up, she immediately took the ball away, simply ignore the frog prince. Day at noon when the little princess in to eat small frogs Zhuangmen loudly at the door. Her father told her to open the door, she happened to open-cut told her father, father can wish away the frog prince. But her father held her tight promise. Princess Frog Prince while forced to pay attention to her face to hit the wall trying to kill her. Results of a frog prince into a man, but also to put the two of them back inside the palace and lived a happy life.