the Wright Brothers
For thousands of years, men couldn’t fly like birds in the sky. But the Wright brothers were men of perseverance. they showed GREat enthusiasm in their new idea. they did what others couldn’t do. Although they were not educated men, they had never given up their dream. People all over the world were excited with joy at their success. In fact, before the first plane rose into the sky,they had failed many times. their perseverance is the best model to all of us.莱特兄弟
伽利略 两个铁球同时着地
几十年前,波兰有个叫玛妮雅的小姑娘,学习非常专心。不管周围怎么吵闹,都分散不了她的注意力。 一次,玛妮雅在做功课,她姐姐和同学在她面前唱歌、跳舞、做游戏。玛妮雅就像没看见一样,在一旁专心地看书。 姐姐和同学想试探她一下。她们悄悄地在玛妮雅身后搭起几张凳子,只要玛妮雅一动,凳子就会倒下来。时间一分一秒地过去了,玛妮雅读完了一本书,凳子仍然竖在那儿。 从此姐姐和同学再也不逗她了,而且像玛妮雅一样专心读书,认真学习。 玛妮雅长大以后,成为一个伟大的的科学家。她就是居里夫人。