• 关于胎教的资料或论文(英文的)

              一、对用新式胎教提高出生人口素质的忧虑   21世纪知识经济的发展使世界各国对人的创造力的培养和智慧潜能的发掘特别关注,而未来世界的竞争就是人才的竞争的论断又使国际社会加倍重视提高出生人口素质。面对这一现实,近年来一些人开始不遗余力地从西方引进一种旨在开发胎儿智力潜能,提高出生人口智力素质的新式胎教。据称,这种胎教是在国外对胎儿最新研究成果基础上建立起来的,具有不容置疑的科学性。它主要采用同胎儿谈话、教胎儿学乐谱、认字母、做算术等对胎儿直接施教的方法来提高胎儿的智商,使胎儿由愚变慧,出生后个个都是“天才儿”,因此可以称之为“智力胎教”、“直接胎教”或“子教式胎教”。它的倡导者们认为,实施这种胎……

              详细参考资料: http://www.gwyoo.com/lunwen/shys/rlzy/200903/165680.asp

               For newborns, a new quality of the population of birth of the 21st century knowledge economy makes the world to cultivate wisdom and creativity of the potential for special attention, and the future world competition is the competition of the international community to multiply improve the quality of the population of birth. in the face of this reality, in recent years some people started 不遗余力 from the west in a fetus to develop potential and increase intelligence births intellectual quality new. newborns


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