• 我最喜欢的故事是女娲补天英语作文?

              It is said that there was no man when the sky andthe earth were separated by Pangu.


              It was Nuwawho made human beingsafter her own model with yellow clay.From then on, man began to live in peace andhappiness on the earth.

              是女蜗按照自己的样子用黄 泥塑出了人类。此后,人们便开始在大地上幸福的生活着。

              on expectedly the fou rpillars supporting the heaven suddenly collapsed and the earth cracked. A great fire raged;torrential water flooded all the lands;fierce animals preyed on men.

              天有不测风云,一年, 忽然天崩地裂,大火肆虐,洪水滔天,野兽横行伤人。

              Then Nuwa melted fivecolored stones, using them to mend the cracks in the sky.


              To replace the broken pillars, she cut off the four legs of a huge turtle and used them to support the fallen sky.


              Thus the sky was patched up, its four corners were lifted, the flood was tamed, harmful animalswere killed, and the innocent people were able to restore their happy lives.

              就这样,天补好了,四个角撑住了,洪水被驯服, 猛兽被消灭,人类的生活又恢复到往日的幸福祥和之中。


              标签: 幼儿想象力绘画入门孕期什么时候做胎教论说

                        • 上一篇:孕5个月的胎儿会是什么样子的?